Interaction Design Coursework

September 2017 - December 2017

While living in Munger Graduate Residences during my first year at the University of Michigan, I noticed a number of communication issues with the building, particularly with the inconvenient and lengthy process of letting guests into the building. To address these issues and inconveniences, I developed a mobile prototype as my final project for the School of Information Course "SI 582: Introduction to Interaction Design." 

Throughout this course, alongside fundamental readings about the design process and best practices, I worked towards developing a final, high-fidelity prototype after background research, user testing, and decision iteration. From researching to sketching to prototyping, I learned about contemporary perspectives on interaction design through both discussion of readings in lectures and peer collaboration. Beginning with a competitive analysis and ending with a presentation and clickable prototype, my work throughout the semester of designing my solution, "Munger Mobile," is shown below. Enjoy!

Competitive Analysis:


Design Defense: 

Paper Prototype:


Final Presentation: